• Fellowship in HPB Surgery ( Hepatobillary Surgery )

    DYPU has an educational approach that seeks to create a learning experience that will prepare students for the realities of the modern world.

    DY Patil University
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About the


Fellowship in HPB Surgery

Awarded by: DY Patil University (accredited by NAAC with ‘A’ GRADE)

Program Highlights:

1. Training includes all aspects of HPB surgery like operative and perioperative management of patients with HPB diseases. It also provides an opportunity to do clinical research in HPB Surgery. HPB faculty consists of three certified surgeons two of them have experience of more than 15 years in the field of HPB Surgery as well as liver transplantation. One of them has 5 years of experience in HPB Surgery

2. The fellow will get hands-on teaching experience in diverse advanced HPB cases. Under the guidance of experienced HPB faculty at the end of two years, the fellow will be able to manage complex HPB Cases independently. Additionally, the fellow has opportunities to participate in organ procurement and liver/ kidney transplantation.

3. To promote cognitive learning various teaching-learning tools are adopted. Self-instruction, teaching residents and students, contributing to morbidity and mortality conferences, and multidisciplinary pancreaticobiliary and hepatic tumor conferences are some of the academic activities planned.

4. Under the guidance of HPB faculty, the fellow is required to design, complete, and submit at least two clinical and/or research projects to a National or Regional meeting or peer-reviewed journal. Regular bi-monthly meetings are held with the fellow to review ongoing research projects and progress towards scholarly goals.

5. A unique feature of this fellowship is affiliation with Chang Gung Memorial Hospital- Kaohsiung Medical Center Kaohsiung, Taiwan. In a one-year program, fellow can visit the Taiwan center for up to 2 months and in the two-year program, he/she can visit Taiwan for up to 4 months.

Eligibility Criteria

MS Surgery

Duration Of Course

1 year

8 Modules to be covered in a period of 1 year with periodic assessment and practicals


  • DY Patil University
  • DY Patil University
  • DY Patil University
  • DY Patil University
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DY Patil University